
 yuj - to yoke, to join

Awakening of self.

Connection with source.

Union of body, mind, emotions, thoughts, and intellect.


Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice originating in Southeast Asia. Honoring yoga’s roots through philosophy, reflection, and practice, we can cultivate a deeper sense of connection with ourselves, each other, and the world around us.

I have studied with the Raja Hatha School of Yoga, focusing on classical ashtanga (8-limbed) yoga, using the body as a means to connect with the mind. Of Patanjali’s 196 Yoga Sutras, only three pertain to asana (posture/seat). Yoga guides our minds, interactions with ourselves, and interactions with the world around us.

Sessions are gentle and exploratory, I do not offer ‘power yoga’ or intense flows. My scope of practice includes yoga instruction, I am not a yoga therapist.

  • Yamas (moral disciplines)

    • Ahimsa (non-violence)

    • Satya (truthfulness)

    • Asteya (non-stealing)

    • Brahmacharya (moderation)

    • Aparigraha (non-grasping)

  • Niyamas (observances)

    • sauca (purity)

    • santosa (contentedness)

    • tapas (austerity, zeal)

    • svadhyaya (self-study)

    • Ishvara pranidhana (devotion to a higher concept)

  • Asana (posture, seat)

  • Pranayama (extension, lengthening, control of life force - prana - breath)

  • Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses inward)

  • Dharana (concentration)

  • Dhyana (meditation)

  • Samadhi (union)

Tejal Yoga

Jessamyn Stanley


Susanna Barkataki

A Letter To All White Yoga Teachers by Susanna Barkataki